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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Five Features of Effective Green Cleaning Programs

Astute individuals, businesses and governmental agencies know that clean plus green equals good. More than just a trend, implementing a green cleaning program is now recognized as a wise business move. The much touted benefits of creating a healthier workplace include increased productivity and reduced costs. Green cleaning has also become a key component in obtaining certification under the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system.

If you understand the advantages of green cleaning and have decided to implement a program, how do you go about choosing the right one? What elements separate superior green cleaning plans from the rest? Below are some features to consider when evaluating a program.

1. A Holistic Approach
When it comes to maintaining a healthy facility, all areas – from entryways to bathrooms to HVAC systems – affect the indoor environment. In choosing a green cleaning program, make sure that the provider looks at your building holistically, considering the building’s purpose and uses.

Because entryways serve as gateways for pollutants entering the building, a good program will begin there. While traditional cleaning methods attempt to control this dirt after it enters and spreads throughout the building, effective green cleaning focuses on trapping and removing contaminants at entryways. Cleaning chemicals, janitorial processes and equipment, ventilation systems, waste removal, and even occupant habits are other areas that a holistic green cleaning program will address.

2. A Beyond-the-Surface Focus
The primary intent of most cleaning programs is to leave surfaces looking spotless and dirt free. Green cleaning programs should go far beyond this, however. Dirt, bacteria, mold and other pollutants may not be seen, but they can certainly affect the indoor air quality. Green cleaning programs aim to remove harmful particles from the air, not add to the problem by using harsh chemicals.

Although it may be difficult to judge how well a green cleaning program has removed unseen particles, you can ask about equipment used to make sure that it is efficient and well maintained. Steps that facility maintenance providers can take to demonstrate a beyond-the-surface focus include emptying vacuum bags when half full and keeping equipment clean. Even something as simple as a dusting cloth can make a difference: A microfiber cloth captures dust, rather than just moving it around. These small measures ensure that the equipment and processes contribute to, rather than counteract, the effectiveness of your program.

3. Products and Services Offered
The products used in green cleaning play a vital role in the program’s success. Products should qualify for third-party certification by organizations such as Green Seal. Unlike traditional cleaning products, these certified chemicals and equipment are designed to work effectively, while minimizing environmental impact and decreasing risks to health and safety.

4. Knowledgeable Employees
Employees who will be designing and implementing your green cleaning program must understand the objectives of green cleaning, as well as their own role in the process. Janitorial staff should know each product’s designated use, green cleaning processes and equipment maintenance procedures. Regular inspections and quality control programs ensure that employees’ work meets high standards. The best facilities maintenance providers also continually train their employees on the best practices in green cleaning.

5. Educational and Communication Programs
A truly professional green cleaning provider goes beyond the tactical implementation of cleaning strategies to become your partner in creating a healthier environment. Most successful programs include regular communications so that building occupants and facility stakeholders understand the importance of green cleaning and what they can do to make a difference. For example, improper care of live plants can increase contamination levels and require strong pesticides that counteract the green cleaning program. When occupants know of such risks, they can become a true part of the green cleaning process.

Small actions, including minimizing clutter and eating only in designated areas, can go a long way in ensuring a healthy environment. Facility users and tenants should also know whom to contact and how to react to a spill or contamination. The faster such situations are dealt with, the less harm they do to your facility.

Communicating your green program to the community and building occupants helps you reap the benefits of being a socially conscience facility or business. You will attract the growing numbers of people who care about protecting the earth’s resources and improving indoor air quality.

These five features of effective green cleaning programs may apply to your facility in different ways. Each facility has unique goals, and each maintenance provider will bring its own set of expertise to a project. The provider you choose should recognize your goals and offer customized services and products that ensure your program’s success.

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There's Clean And Then There's Advanced Building Maintenance Clean

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When you choose Advanced Building Maintenance's Cleaning Services you are guaranteed a job done by an experienced janitorial staff, qualified supervisors, and state of the art equipment

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From attention to your smallest request to technically specialized cleaning service you can always count on our uncompromising quality. So whether you need your private office cleaned, or need your building Strip & Waxed with routine maintenance Advanced Building Maintenance can handle it.

Earning Your Trust

Condo Associates, Management Companies, and Individual building owners, in Westchester and Fairfield counties have come to rely on the dependability of Advanced Building Maintenance's office cleaning services.

Answering Your Needs

At Advanced Building Maintenance, we pride ourselves on our dedication to the finest communication systems ever offered by a New York or Connecticut janitorial services company.

Night Or Day, We'll Be There

Whether you need nightly cleaning service or weekly floor care services we can customize your agreement to handle your every cleaning need.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose a janitorial company?

A janitorial service should be chosen by first defining needs and wants and developing a plan to meet those needs and wants at the most economical price.

If cost is your most important factor, make this known when calling potential service providers. There are many inexpensive service providers available, however, with lower costs you may be sacrificing quality, consistency and reliability. If quality, consistency and reliability are important to you, then you should look for a company with high standards in their janitorial services while having a management team, processes, and infrastructure to provide you with your desired standard of service. Supervision, service and infrastructure do have a cost. Advanced Building Maintenance may not be the most inexpensive service provider, however, you will not find the quality of service we offer for less. Our company provides all of these qualities at a competitive price.

How much will the service cost me?

The cost depends on the level of service you request and the type of services needed to meet your requests. The largest driver of cost in cleaning service industry is the cost of labor (including payroll taxes and insurances). Cost of service is based on how many labor hours it requires to effectively and thoroughly clean your space. The following are some insightful questions to ask: How many labor hours it should take to perform the job? How much supervision will my account receive? How are customer service issues handled?

If I select Advanced Building Maintenance, who will be performing the janitorial services in my building?

Only Advanced Building Maintenance employees enter your building. We never use sub-contractors. Your building's security is of the utmost importance to Advanced Building Maintenance.

Do I have to commit to a long term contract?

No. Unlike most janitorial service providers, Advanced Building Maintenance believes our service speaks for itself. We do not require long term contracts and choose to do business on a month to month basis. Our philosophy: We have to earn your business each and every month.

How do I begin?

Contact Advanced Building Maintenance by either calling or emailing us for your FREE janitorial service bid. We will set up a walkthrough of your property and provide you with a no obligation cleaning proposal.

Mission, Vision, Passion & Core Beliefs

Our Passion

To support our cleaning team members through the implementation of the Advanced Building Maintenance Cleaning System program.

Our Vision

To be recognized as New York and Connecticut's leading brand in commercial cleaning – providing consistent, high-quality, innovative and value-based solutions to businesses.

Our Mission

To promote economic growth and independence for a diverse group of business owners by providing franchise ownership opportunities.

Core Beliefs

Always do the right thing. Be respectful, fair and ethical. Honor your commitments. Encourage creativity. Listen and provide honest feedback. Promote teamwork, and exceed expectations.